Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap Puja Cost in Ujjain

Puja and Vidhi in Ujjain

Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap Puja was created by Lord Shiva or given to Rishi Markandeya. This mantra was used to save Chandra Dev’s life when he was cursed by King Daksh. It is one of the most powerful mantras recited in the Vedas and it contains the power of Lord Shiva and can solve any problem. It is an integration of three Hindi words viz. “Maha” means great, “Mrityun” means death, and “Jaya” means victory, i.e. victory over death.

महा मृत्युंजय जाप पूजा की लागत उज्जैन हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे।

The Rudra Mantra or the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is the great mantra of the conqueror of death. Mantras are mentioned in the Rigveda and Yajurveda. Maha mrityunjaya puja cost in ujjain can range from 40,000 to 50,000.

Maha Mrityunjaya puja helps to protects the devotee from life-threatening diseases and let increases the lifespan of the devotee person who performs it. One can perform this puja in the comfort of his home by following the rituals properly. Recitation of the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra cleanses the family from all sins and awakens the healing power within. The maha mrityunjaya puja cost in ujjain is divided into several types depending on the number of repetitions of the mantra.

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  • In the first time, the mantra is recited 11,000 times. This is the smallest number of readings and therefore requires fewer priests and days to perform.
  • The second person recited the mantra 21,000 times.
  • The third way is to recite the mantra 31,000 times.
  • The fourth type is reciting the mantra 62,000 times.
  • The last and fifth type is when the mantra is recited 125,000 times. This is the biggest puja of all types present in the world.

Maha Mrityunjaya Puja in Ujjain

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is also called the Om Tryambakam Mantra. The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is a verse of the Rigveda which is considered the most powerful Shiva mantra. It bestows immortality, protects against calamities, and prevents premature death. It also dispels fear and promotes holistic healing. If you chant the Mahamritunjay mantra every day, you will become immortal and all your ailments will disappear. The long-lived Rishi Markanda mentions the glory of Mahamritunjay’s mantra in his mythological history. The story of Sanat Rishi granting the boy long life is also told. However, he later discovered that a child’s life was only ten years. Kala (god of time) moves at his own pace.

Lord Shiva introduced the to Resi Markandeya. When Raja Daksh cursed Chandra Dev, this mantra was used to save his life. It is one of the most powerful Vedic mantras, contains the power of Lord Shiva and can solve any problem. Some mantras or chants have significant meaning in Hinduism and are believed to bring great benefits to those who recite them with enthusiasm and confidence.

Cost for Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap

The cost of the puja depends on the type of yagna and the number of repetitions of the mantra. Maha mrityunjaya puja cost in ujjain around Rs.40,000-50,000 to perform Maha Mrityunjaya Puja for 3-4 days. After the reading, a havan was held. Mortars can be small, medium or large depending on the number of recitations. The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra must be recited 108 times. Devotees can chant on the Rudraksha rosary consisting of 108 beads, which helps you to count the number of chants of this powerful mantra.

Pandit for Maha Mrityunjaya Puja

People can find Pandit Rahul Guruji as the best pandit for completing maha mrityunjaya puja. Pandit Rahul Guruji will help to complete the puja in the best manner and lead for success in life of person. The great mantra that is dedicated as shiva for mrityunjaya is found in rig veda. It is called the maha mrityunjaya for the great death-conquering mantra. The mantra has many names and it is forming. It is sometimes for the maha mrityunjaya puja cost in ujjain because of having a component that is completely for the exhausting period for austerity. In the maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain that is the sages as the heart of mrityunjaya. The Gayatri mantra holds the highest place of the many mantras that are used for contemplation and meditation. For the maha mrityunja puja, you can find a good pandit on the internet. You will find the proper maha mrityunjaya puja pandit for your proper puja and then you can come out from all issues.

Book Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja at Ujjain by Rahul Pathak: +91 7798777980

Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap Puja Procedure

Reciting mantra
The best time to perform the maha mrityunjaya puja cost in ujjain
is early in the morning by reciting the mantra five times in one night. It is believed that chanting the maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain 108 times envelops your system with the protection of Shiva’s energy, the most powerful energy.

Complete Abhishek of God
One has to offer flowers to Shivlinga and make abhishekam to god with milk and water.

Take Sankalp
One has to perform Sankalp and pour water into the pot to get Lord Shiva’s blessings. Worship Lord Shiva Also, one has to worship Lord Shiva with the help of fruits, incense sticks, white leaves, water and lamps.

Execute Havan
The Havan is held after the completion of the maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain Jaap Puja. Then the devotees have to wait for the positive outcome of the puja. Devotees participating in the puja must wear neat and clean clothes and carry all the items required for the puja. Devotees can perform this puja at famous Shiva temples i.e. Trimbakeshwar Temple (Nashik), Somnath Temple (Gujarat), Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain, Omkareshwar Temple in Indore and Nageshwar Temple in Gujarat or any of the 12 Jyotirlingas in India.

Good days to perform maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain puja are the dates of Maha Shivaratri, the month of Sawan, Makarsankranti and Amavasya. Monday is considered an auspicious day to start this puja. However, one can perform this puja daily according to one’s needs and requirements, but only after consulting a good priest.

Importance of Maha Mrityunjay Jaap

Benefits one can achieve by performing the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra:

  • Maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain is very helpful in dealing with chronic and life-threatening diseases and greatly improves one’s health.
  • This puja also results in the making of a shield for the offender’s family.
  • It also increases the lifespan of the cultist who does it.
  • Very powerful puja helps to overcome all the questions and problems in one’s life by eliminating all the evil effects of life.
  • This puja can also help achieve professional success and live an ambitious life.
  • Reciting this maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain during puja will also release energy points in the body and bring peace.
  • Apart from that, it is also useful to overcome the negative effects of the planets in the natal chart.
  • The maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain puja is usually performed to avoid an untimely death which Jyotish foretells shortly.
  • Also in the case of someone with health problems, this puja is performed to improve the condition of the patient.
  • Performing this puja also corrects doshas like nadi dosha and bhakut dosha which occur during guna milaan or marriage.

Time Required for Puja

Maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain puja can last around 5-11 days depending on the number of mantras chosen. It usually starts on Monday and ends on the following Monday of the week. The time required for the puja also depends on the number of priests performing it.

According to the pandits, Rishi Markendeya is the only person who knows the mantra. It was originally given to a sage by Lord Shiva after the sage worshipped him. Therefore, Sati Rishi asked Markendeya to recite this holy mantra to save the moon. Shukracharya is the only person who knows the mantra. It was Lord Shiva who taught Shukracharya himself this saving mantra. However, Lord Shukracharya went further and shared it with Rishi Dadichi. When King Kshuva fell ill, Rishi Dadichi recited a mantra and saved his life.

When to Perform Maha Mrityunjaya Jap

The maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain can be chanted at any time to bring a spiritual element into your life. People often chant at 4 am before going about their daily life as this maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain relieves stress and brings good luck to their work day. According to the Shiv Purana, by chanting this mantra 108 times a day, a person can attain a high level of positivity in his life. One has to sit in the kusha asana to recite this mantra. One can cast mantras on Rudraksha beads for further benefits. After performing the tasks then people can get new life that how to stay calm and peacefully in life.

How to Book Mrityunjaya Puja?

To book maha mrityunjaya jaap in ujjain puja you need to contact pandit and after pandit ji will tell you the required puja items. After then you have to get all the items and then you are all set for puja. You can book an appointment for puja or else you can ask pandit ji to come to your home for puja. You can discuss prices and other things with pandit ji openly and they will cooperate with you. The booking procedure is very simple and people can enjoy their life in a great manner.

Call Pandit Rahul Pathak & Get Free Consultation at +91 7798777980

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Puja and Vidhi in Ujjain

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About Guruji

Pandit Rahul Pathak Guruji’s family has lived in Ujjain behind Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Kendra, Ujjain Temple, for 80 years. His family is well-versed in the Vedas. Guruji has been working for 20 years. Guruji is an expert in Kaal Sarp Puja; he has performed more than 1500 of these rituals and has ensured that each host is completely satisfied. Within a few days, all hosts who perform Kaal Sarp Puja begin to experience positive results immediately.

Due to the extraordinary feature of the Ujjain, which contains symbols of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Rudra, Kaal Sarp Puja is also performed in Ujjain.